Our Black Economic Empowerment project is named after the mountain range in the region namely Cedar Citrus (pty) ltd. It is the Western Cape’s first redistribution program for previously disadvantaged communities. ALG covers all running costs up until the orchards are in production.
Cedar Citrus started in 1999 due to unique co-operation between 36 farm labourers, where every individual received his own share of Citrus land. In the first year 24000 trees where planted and a further 12000 where planted in 2002
The 40ha of soil was donated by the two brothers All and Gerrit van der Merwe to their most loyal labourers.
The land gets managed by the company Cedar Citrus (pty) ltd with Gerrit van der Merwe as Chairman and All as director. Two labourers and shareholders, Lena September and Dirk Dirks, is respectively vice chairman and director on the board.
“The success of a project like this is dependable on the support of sophisticated packaging and marketing channels that is fortunately available on our farms” says Gerrit. The farms supplies all technical support ranging from establishment to computerised irrigation of the orchards. The project is finalised by the Department of Land Affairs and Industry Development.